
This site provides test pages for Adblock Plus functionality.

Here you can test the latest features from abp-snippets next branch.

The site has been generated by the testpages.adblockplus.org project, which has the following changelog.

Testpages Filter Subscription

This subscription includes the filters required to verify the following test cases, except for CSP.

You can add this subscription and then click through to each test case page and check that the page state matches the test case description. Alternatively you could add a test cases filter(s) manually in order to check it in isolation.

View Subscribe

Note: This subscription should not be used in production.

Filter test cases

Blocking and Hiding


Inline CSS

Filter Options - Resource Types

Filter Options - Resource Type Exceptions

Filter Options - Constraints

Filter Options - Exceptions

Filter Options - Content Security Policy

Filter Options - Rewrite



Service Worker